Lista de juegos Arcade instalados en la consola retro R36S

3 min

Lista de juegos Arcade instalados en la consola retro R36S


2115.089LINUX64 o 128 (ampliable a 512GB)Quad core 1.8GHz1 GB3: Jack 3.5 audio, OTG, USB C3,5"2.900 mAh (6h - 8h)
  1. Smash T.V.
  2. Smurfs, The
  3. Snake Rattle n Roll
  4. Snake’s Revenge
  5. Snoopy’s Silly Sports Spectacular!
  6. Snow Brothers
  7. Snowboard Challenge
  8. Soccer
  9. Softball Tengoku
  10. Solar Jetman – Hunt for the Golden Warpship
  11. Solitaire
  12. Solomon’s Key
  13. Solomon’s Key 2
  14. Solstice – The Quest for the Staff of Demnos
  15. Soreike! Anpanman – Minna de Hiking Game!
  16. Sou Setsu Ryuu III – The Rosetta Stone
  17. Space Shuttle Project
  18. Spartan X 2
  19. Spelunker
  20. Spelunker II – Yuusha e no Chousen
  21. Spider-Man – Return of the Sinister Six
  22. Spiritual Warfare
  23. Splatter House – Wanpaku Graffiti
  24. Spot – The Video Game
  25. Spy Hunter
  26. Spy vs Spy
  27. Sqoon
  28. Square no Tom Sawyer
  29. Squashed
  30. Stack-Up
  31. Stadium Events
  32. Stanley – The Search for Dr. Livingston
  33. Star Force
  34. Star Soldier
  35. Star Trek – 25th Anniversary
  36. Star Trek – The Next Generation
  37. Star Trek V – The Final Frontier
  38. Star Voyager
  39. Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back
  40. Star Wars
  41. Starship Hector
  42. StarTropics
  43. Stealth ATF
  44. Sted – Iseki Wakusei no Yabou
  45. Stinger
  46. Street Cop
  47. Street Fighter 2010 – The Final Fight
  48. Street Gangs
  49. Strider
  50. Stunt Kids
  51. Sugoro Quest – Dice no Senshitachi
  52. Sukeban Deka III
  53. Summer Carnival ’92 – Recca
  54. Sunday Funday – The Ride
  55. Super Adventure Quests
  56. Super C
  57. Super Cars
  58. Super Contra 7
  59. Super Contra X
  60. Super Dodge Ball
  61. Super Donkey Kong – Xiang Jiao Chuan
  62. Super Glove Ball
  63. Super Jeopardy!
  64. Super Mario Bros.
  65. Super Mario Bros. 2
  66. Super Mario Bros. 3
  67. Super Pitfall
  68. Super Spike V’Ball
  69. Super Sports Challenge
  70. Super Sprint
  71. Super Spy Hunter
  72. Super Star Force
  73. Super Team Games
  74. Super Turrican
  75. Super Xevious – Gump no Nazo
  76. Superman
  77. Superman (Sunsoft)
  78. Superstar Pro Wrestling
  79. Swamp Thing
  80. SWAT – Special Weapons and Tactics
  81. Sweet Home
  82. Sword Master
  83. Swords and Serpents
  84. Taboo – The Sixth Sense
  85. Tag Team Wrestling
  86. Tagin’ Dragon
  87. Taito Chase H.Q.
  88. Taito Grand Prix – Eikou e no License
  89. Taiyou no Yuusha – Fighbird
  90. Takahashi Meijin no Bouken-jima IV
  91. Takeshi no Chousenjou
  92. TaleSpin
  93. Tanque
  94. Tao
  95. Target Renegade
  96. Taro’s Quest
  97. Tashiro Masashi no Princess ga Ippai
  98. Tatakae! Chou Robot Seimeitai Transformers – Convoy no Nazo
  99. Tecmo Baseball
  100. Tecmo Bowl
  101. Tecmo Cup – Soccer Game
  102. Tecmo NBA Basketball
  103. Tecmo Super Bowl
  104. Tecmo World Cup Soccer
  105. Tecmo World Wrestling
  106. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Tournament Fighters
  107. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  108. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II – The Arcade Game
  109. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III – The Manhattan Project
  110. Tenchi o Kurau II – Shokatsu Koumei Den
  111. Tennis
  112. Tennis (USA) (GameCube Edition)
  113. Terminator 2 – Judgment Day
  114. Terminator, The
  115. Terra Cresta
  116. Tetrastar – The Fighter
  117. Tetris
  118. Tetris (USA)
  119. Tetris 2
  120. Tetsudou Ou – Famicom Boardgame
  121. Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends
  122. Three Stooges, The
  123. Thunder & Lightning
  124. Thunderbirds
  125. Thundercade
  126. Tiger-Heli
  127. Tiles of Fate
  128. Time Diver Eon Man
  129. Time Lord
  130. Time Zone
  131. Times of Lore
  132. Tiny Toon Adventures
  133. Tiny Toon Adventures 2 – Trouble in Wackyland
  134. Tiny Toon Adventures Cartoon Workshop
  135. Titan Warriors
  136. Titanic
  137. To the Earth
  138. Toki
  139. Tokkyuu Shirei Solbrain
  140. Tokoro-san no Mamoru mo Semeru mo
  141. Tom & Jerry – The Ultimate Game of Cat and Mouse!
  142. Tombs & Treasure
  143. Toobin’
  144. Top Gun – The Second Mission
  145. Top Gun
  146. top100
  147. Total Funpak
  148. Total Recall
  149. Totally Rad
  150. Touch Down Fever
  151. Toukon Club
  152. Tower of Radia
  153. Town & Country Surf Designs – Thrilla’s Surfari
  154. Town & Country Surf Designs – Wood & Water Rage
  155. Toxic Crusaders
  156. Track & Field
  157. Track & Field II
  158. Track & Field in Barcelona
  159. Treasure Master
  160. Trog!
  161. Trojan
  162. Trolls in Crazyland, The
  163. Trolls on Treasure Island
  164. Tsuri Kichi Sanpei – Blue Marlin Hen
  165. Turbo Racing
  166. Twin Cobra
  167. Twin Eagle
  168. TwinBee 3 – Poko Poko Daimaou
  169. Uforce Power Games
  170. Ufouria – The Saga
  171. Ultima – Exodus
  172. Ultima – Quest of the Avatar
  173. Ultima – Warriors of Destiny
  174. Ultimate Air Combat
  175. Ultimate Basketball
  176. Ultimate League Soccer
  177. Ultimate Stuntman, The
  178. Ultraman Club – Kaijuu Daikessen!!
  179. Uncanny X-Men, The
  180. Uncharted Waters
  181. Uninvited
  182. Universe Soldiers, The
  183. Universe Soldiers, The
  184. Untouchables, The
  185. Urban Champion
  186. Urusei Yatsura – Lum no Wedding Bell
  187. Valkyrie no Bouken – Toki no Kagi Den
  188. Vegas Dream
  189. Venice Beach Volleyball
  190. Vice – Project Doom
  191. Videomation
  192. Vindicators
  193. Volleyball
  194. Wacky Races
  195. Wagyan Land
  196. Wagyan Land 2
  197. Wai Wai World
  198. Wai Wai World 2 – SOS!! Paseri Jou
  199. Wait and See
  200. Wall Street Kid
  201. Wally Bear and the No! Gang
  202. Wanpaku Kokkun no Gourmet World
  203. War in the Gulf
  204. War on Wheels
  205. Warehouse No. 18
  206. Wario’s Woods
  207. Wayne Gretzky Hockey
  208. Wayne’s World
  209. WCW World Championship Wrestling
  210. Werewolf – The Last Warrior
  211. Wheel of Fortune – Family Edition
  212. Wheel of Fortune – Junior Edition
  213. Wheel of Fortune
  214. Wheel of Fortune Starring Vanna White
  215. Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego
  216. Where’s Waldo
  217. Who Framed Roger Rabbit
  218. Whomp ‘Em
  219. Widget
  220. Wild Gunman
  221. Willow
  222. Wily & Right no Rockboard – That’s Paradise
  223. Win, Lose or Draw
  224. Wing of Madoola, The
  225. Winter Games
  226. Wit’s
  227. Wizardry – Knight of Diamonds – The Second Scenario
  228. Wizardry – Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord
  229. Wizardry II – Llylgamyn no Isan
  230. Wizards & Warriors (USA) (Rev A)
  231. Wizards & Warriors III – Kuros…Visions of Power (USA)
  232. Wolverine (USA)
  233. Wonderland Dizzy (Unknown) (Proto) (1993-09-24)
  234. Woody Poko (Japan)
  235. World Champ – Super Boxing Great Fight (USA)
  236. World Class Track Meet (USA) (Rev A)
  237. World Games (USA)
  238. Wrath of the Black Manta (USA) (Rev A)
  239. Wrecking Crew (World)
  240. Wu Shi Hun (China)
  241. Wurm – Journey to the Center of the Earth! (USA)
  242. WWF King of the Ring (USA)
  243. WWF Wrestlemania (USA)
  244. WWF Wrestlemania Challenge (USA)
  245. WWF Wrestlemania Steel Cage Challenge (USA)
  246. Xenophobe (USA)
  247. Xevious – The Avenger (USA)
  248. Xexyz (USA)
  249. Xybots (USA) (Proto)
  250. Yo! Noid (USA)
  251. Yoshi (USA)
  252. Yoshi’s Cookie (USA)
  253. Youkai Club (Japan)
  254. Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, The (USA)
  255. Ys (Japan)
  256. Ys II – Ancient Ys Vanished – The Final Chapter (Japan)
  257. Ys III – Wanderers from Ys (Japan)
  258. Yume Penguin Monogatari (Japan)
  259. Zanac (USA)
  260. Zelda II – The Adventure of Link (USA)
  261. Zen – Intergalactic Ninja (USA)
  262. Zhen Jia Hou Wang (China)
  263. Zoda’s Revenge – StarTropics II (USA)
  264. Zoids Mokushiroku (Japan)
  265. Zombie Hunter (Japan)
  266. Zombie Nation (USA)
  267. 1942
  268. 10-Yard Fight
  269. Alpha Mission
  270. Antarctic Adventure
  271. Arabian
  272. Argus
  273. B-Wings
  274. Baltron
  275. Bandits
  276. Binary & Land
  277. Bird Week
  278. Boat Race
  279. Bomb Jack
  280. Bomb
  281. Bomber man
  282. Bookyman
  283. Bounce
  284. Bump’n’Jump
  285. BurgerTime
  286. Chall enger
  287. Chexder
  288. Circus Chablite
  289. Cobra of Sky
  290. Combat
  291. Conte Enegy
  292. Contra
  293. Devil World
  294. Door Door
  295. Dough Boy
  296. Duck
  297. Exed Exes
  298. Exerion
  299. F1 Race
  300. Fire Fighter
  301. Formation Z
  302. Future Tank
  303. Galaga
  304. Galg
  305. Geimos
  306. Goal!! (Japan)
  307. Gradius
  308. Gyrodine
  309. Hector
  310. Helicopter
  311. Ikari
  312. Infant School
  313. Joust
  314. Karateka
  315. King of Ghost
  316. Lode Runner
  317. Lot Lot
  318. Lunar Ball
  319. Macross
  320. Magic Jewelry
  321. Magmax
  322. Milk & Nuts
  323. Millipede
  324. Ninja 3
  325. Ninja II
  326. Ninja
  327. Othello
  328. Pac-Man
  329. Pony Cat
  330. Pooyan
  331. Quad Challenge
  332. Rescue Kuck
  333. Road Fighter
  334. Rogebrer
  335. Route 16
  336. Seicross
  337. Skate Board Wood
  338. Skiing
  339. Sky Destroyer
  340. Solomon’s Key
  341. Son Son
  342. Space ET
  343. Spar
  344. Spartan
  345. Spelunker II
  346. Spelunker
  347. Sqoon
  348. Star Force
  349. Star Gate
  350. Super Dynamix
  351. Surface Fire
  352. Tennis
  353. Tetris II
  354. TwinBee
  355. Volguard II
  356. Wars
  357. Wrestle
  358. Zippy Race